A world without youA World Without You by Beth Revis
Teodora's Rating: ★★★

Bo has a secret. He is a hero learning how to control his time-traveling powers at an academy meant for kids just like him. But it's all in his mind. When his girlfriend at the academy with the "power" to turn invisible commits suicide, Bo believes that she is only stuck in time and he can save her. Bo's world quickly falls apart as he begins to understand reality and break away from the fantasy in his mind. 
A summary can not do A World Without You justice. The entire time reading it, I was delightfully surprised by just how vivid and convincing Bo's mind really was even though I, the reader, knew it was all a lie. For example, Bo describes the time stream as being a collection of strings, a tapestry of fate, with frayed ends leading to numerous futures. Such colorful writing that really exemplifies 'show, don't tell' is just one of the reason's why Beth Revis's book is a must-read. Bo's sister, Phoebe, gives her point-of-view in various chapters; a clever plot device to bring readers in touch with reality including her own story with all its troubles. Filled with so many great characters, beautiful writing, and a most intriguing concept, I was sucked into this book. The ending, though I won't spoil anything, managed to make me feel sad, yet smile. Would recommend to all; especially those who are interested in the inner workings of the mind.